Contributions from undergraduate students at the General Electrical Engineering Course (starting 2013)
"EE can be fun" - applications and contributions by students
- EE quiz - Liviu Nicolae Moraru, 2018
- Draw schematics from netlists - Valentin Bercaru, 2018
- ELTH Quiz Master - Horia Ion, 2017 (horiapaulion [at], mrvali97 [at]
- circuitikz-romanian-symbols - Adrian Pop, 2016
- Tutorial Instalare LTSpice MacOS - Adrian Dudău, 2016
- Electronel - Ștefan Tincescu, 2016
- R2D2 - Razvan Chitu, Radu Stoichitoiu, Darius Neatu, Denisa Sandu, 2015
Student Research Communication Section organized by the Electrical Engineering Department - May 2019
- Sistem CNC multifunctional pentru gravare pe diferite materiale - Grigore AMARIEI (I AC) – First prize, Presentation
- Aplicatie cu senzor Hall - Robert Mihai LICA, Remus-Mihai NEATU, Radu NICHITA, Cristian OLARU (I CA) - mention, Presentation
- Folosirea MATLAB in experimente pentru Inginerie Electrica - Constantin-Bogdan BUMBENECI (I A) - Special prize, Presentation
- Cub de LED-uri cu aprindere controlata - Andreea ALBU, Marius DINU (I AC) - Special prize, Presentation
- Prelucrarea sunetelor de chitara folosind Python si SPICE - Andrei STOICA (I AC), Presentation
Student Research Communication Section organized by the Electrical Engineering Department - May 2018
- EEquiz – aplicatie pentru exersarea cunostintelor de electrotehnica, - Andreea Diana OLTEAN, Liviu-Nicolae MORARU, Stefan VODITA, (I CD) – First prize
- Program de generare a schemelor circuitelor pornind de la netlist, - Valentin BERCARU , (I CA) - Special prize
- Robot pentru curatirea suprafetelor plane de forme diferite - Ionut EPURE, Vlad CATANOIU, Laurentiu OLTEAN, Dorin GEMAN, (I CA) – Special prize
- Studiu asupra tehnologiilor de transport Hyperloop - Diana IONESCU, Vlad DIEACONU, Alexandra DINCA, Marius TUDOSOIU, (I CA)
- Algoritm de interpolare adaptiva pentru calculul caracteristicilor de frecventa - Raluca Petruta DOGARU, Monica Alesandra STROIE, Teodor Stefan DUTU, Daniel Octavian POPESCU, (I CA)
- Robot pentru detectare a liniilor si codurilor QR - Dan BUTMALAI (I CC), Valentin VOZIAN, (I CD)
Student Research Communication Section organized by the Electrical Engineering Department - May 2017
- Sistem autonom de intretinere a plantelor - Stefan DANESCU, Andrei DINU, Ana GROSU, (I AC) – first prize
- A little SPICE for Android - Mihai BURLACIUC, Ebru RESUL, Andrei RADUTA, (I CA) – first prize
- Aplicatie ce faciliteaza completarea si notarea testelor de Electrotehnica - Horia Paul ION, Valentin MOCANU, George NEACSU, Ionut URSESCU, (I CD) – second prize
- Echivalenta elementelor dipolare rezistive neliniare - Cristian CRETEANU, George Aurelian POPESCU, Gabriel Danut MATEI, (I CA) - mention
- Generator de grafuri - Razvan Stefan PADURARU, Bogdan Cristian FIRUTI, Ioan Serban CIOFU, Sorina Grecu DIANA, (I CA)
- Realizarea unui calculator pe 8 biti - Alexandru METEREZ, Catalin BITIRE (I CD)
- Acumulator extern - Loredana Gabriela SOARE, Bianca TAZLAUANU , Adrian Sergiu MUNTEANU, Valentina PIRCIULESCU, Marian Vladut JORASCU, (I CD)
- Muzica din culori. Tehnica corelarii intre muzica si culori - Andreea STANCIU, Dalia STOIAN,Luca STOICA, Victor ANGHEL, Tudor MANGRI, (I AC)
Student Research Communication Section organized by the Electrical Engineering Department - May 2016
- Basics of 3D computer numerical controlled printing - Filip-George MANOLE, Marius-Robert DRĂGHICI, Mihai-Cătălin BURDUȘELU, Andrei ANCUȚA, Onisim NECULA, Emanuel NECULA - first prize;
- SY SEARCH program de cautare in literatura stiintifica dupa concepte si sinonimele acestora - Stefan Nicolae TINCESCU, George Alexandru OPREA - mention
- Program de verificare a cunostintelor de Bazele Electrotehnicii pentru platformele ANDROID si WINDOWS - Ștefan Nicolae TINCESCU, Alexandra MACOVEI, George Alexandru OPREA, Cristina MEIROȘU, Ștefan TEODORESCU, Teodora TICĂ, Adina Ștefania BUDRIGĂ - second prize, application
- Algoritm de determinare a traseului de iesire din labirint pentru un robot autonom - Ioana VOICA, Adrian DUMITRACHE, Vlad CARABIN
- Studiul influentei frecventei in modelarea bobinelor liniare - Mihai ALBU, Bogdan-Alexandru ANDREI, Gabriel BERCARU
- Analogii electromecanice si dualitate - Isabella MINCĂ, Oana DIMITRIA, Maria RĂDOI
Student Research Communication Section organized by the Electrical Engineering Department - May 2015
- Radu-Dumitru Stochițoiu, Denisa Sandu, Darius Florentin Neațu, Razvan Chițu, Silvia Pripoaie - first year students, Automatic Control and Computer Science Faculty (I CA), Report
- Ioan-Raul Vintilă - first year student, Computer Science Faculty (I CA) - second prize, Presentation
- Andreea Dieaconu - first year student, Computer Science Faculty (I CA), Presentation
Student Research Communication Section organized by the Electrical Engineering Department - May 2014
- Teodor Claudiu Ciuraru, Andreea Dincu, Ioan Adrian Balan - first prize, Automatic Control and Computer Science Faculty (I AC), Report
Student Research Communication Section organized by the Electrical Engineering Department - May 2013
- Andreea Alexandru - second year student, Computer Science Faculty (II AC) - first prize,